The Deliverance (2024)

An unsuspecting family in Indiana begins to experience a series of bizarre and increasingly terrifying events after moving into their new home. At first, these occurrences are minor—a door creaks open by itself, a light bulb flickers, or a strange noise is heard in the middle of the night. However, it doesn’t take long before these small incidents escalate into full-blown paranormal phenomena. The family starts to notice shadows moving in the corners of their vision, objects shifting locations without explanation, and cold spots in rooms that are otherwise warm. The once-cozy home begins to feel ominous and threatening. Follow Sflix Horror Movies for more.

The Deliverance Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: The Deliverance (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Director: Lee Daniels
Writer: David Coggeshall, Elijah Bynum
Stars: Andra Day, Glenn Close, Anthony B. Jenkins