The Vampire Diaries (2017)

Mystic Falls, Virginia, a seemingly tranquil town, harbors a complex tapestry of lives, loves, dangers, and disasters. Yet beneath this veneer lies a realm of unimaginable horror. The life of a teenage girl takes a fateful turn when she becomes entangled in a heart-wrenching choice—between two vampire brothers. As the secrets of Mystic Falls unfurl, the town’s dark underbelly, with its supernatural inhabitants, comes to light, setting the stage for a captivating story of forbidden love and chilling mysteries. Follow Sflix TV for more.

The Vampire Diaries TV Series Online Free Streaming

Title: The Vampire Diaries (2017)
Genres: 2017 TV Series | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Creators: Julie Plec, Kevin Williamson
Stars: Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder