Watchmen: Chapter I (2024)

In the grim and turbulent year of 1985, the brutal murder of a government-sponsored superhero sends shockwaves through the world. This tragic event forces a group of retired, outlawed heroes to emerge from the shadows they had retreated into years ago. These once-glorified figures are now relics of a forgotten era, living in obscurity in a society that no longer celebrates their kind. But the murder of their former colleague is too significant to ignore, and they are compelled to reunite and seek out the truth. Follow Sflix Animation Movies for more.

Watchmen: Chapter I Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Watchmen: Chapter I (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Animation
Director: Brandon Vietti
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski, Dave Gibbons
Stars: Troy Baker, Adrienne Barbeau, Corey Burton